precisionlender PrecisionLender precisionlender September 15, 2017

Check out this week's Employee Spotlight - Naequan Jones! ✅ What do you do? I’m a Director of Client Success in Charlotte, N.C. ✅ Which PL core value means the most to you? Be Humble – I learned from a very early age the importance of empathy; one must listen intently to understand the plight of others. Regardless of what is going on, I recognize that I am fortunate to be where I am, and I enjoy being able to do everything I can to support those around me. ✅ What’s a fun fact about yourself? My sister and I share the same birthday, born on October 7th, seven years apart. While my sister didn’t appreciate me ruining her birthday celebrations when we were young, it is something that we both now enjoy and look forward to each year. ✅ If you could be a superhero for a day, who would it be? Jack Bauer (from 24)— Jack quickly responds to the call of duty, passionately dedicated to saving and protecting the lives of those around him. With his hard work ethic, he "saves the day" 😊 by thwarting major terrorist schemes, assassination attempts, and threats of nuclear destruction.

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Congrats to some of our PrecisionLender employees on finishing a Spartan Sprint this weekend!

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We're proud of our PrecisionLender teammate, Julian Toohey, for participating in the 2017 San Francisco Fir...