Bank Culture

  • Building a Strong Team for the Future

    Building a Strong Team for the Future

    In this week’s podcast, Alex Habet shares a replay of a panel discussion of bank executives and Q2’s Kim Rutledge about how financial institutions are managing staffing issues in this job market.

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  • Measuring RM Performance: Proving Impact & Dispelling Myths

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  • The Age of Volatility

    The Age of Volatility

    In this episode of The Purposeful Banker, Alex Habet and the "Deal Doctor" Tony Hernandez break down ways financial institutions can empower their commercial relationship teams for strategic growth.

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  • Preparing Today to Brace for Tomorrow

    Preparing Today to Brace for Tomorrow

    Alex Habet is joined by Sam Kilmer of Cornerstone Advisors in a discussion about the expected market landscape in 2023 and how financial institutions can manage the challenges and opportunities.

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  • Spotlight: How Texas Security Bank Uses Purpose to Take On Goliath

    Spotlight: How Texas Security Bank Uses Purpose to Take On Goliath

    Shon Cass of Texas Security Bank joins Alex Habet to talk about the bank’s story, strategy, and culture; how they think about technology; and how they’re planning for 2023 and beyond.

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  • Friendly Advice for Bankers Facing an Uncertain Market

    Friendly Advice for Bankers Facing an Uncertain Market

    Should bankers look at 2008 when grappling with their current challenges? That discussion, as well as tips for bankers navigating these uncertain times, is in this week's Purposeful Banker podcast.

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  • Jim Stengel Talks Purpose & Performance at Banks

    Jim Stengel Talks Purpose & Performance at Banks

    Jim Stengel, Global Marketing Officer at P&G turned best-selling author, talk about how banks that spend time focusing on their purpose and end up seeing the results in improved performance.

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  • Finding the Bank's Purpose: Atlantic Capital Bank

    Finding the Bank's Purpose: Atlantic Capital Bank

    Atlantic Capital Bank CEO Doug Williams shares the story of his bank, a difficult acquisition that spurred Atlantic Capital's search for purpose, and how that led to a better bottom line.

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  • 6 Lessons Banks Can Learn From NBKC

    6 Lessons Banks Can Learn From NBKC

    NBKC is a community bank that is not only surviving, it's thriving - growing its lending business into new markets. What are some of the lessons other bank's can take from NBKC's success?

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  • Talent Challenges in Commercial Banking

    Talent Challenges in Commercial Banking

    How are banks doing in recruiting commercial lenders? Why are incentive plans still an unsolved issue? Discussing the results from the latest Bank Director Annual Compensation Survey.

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  • Aligning Your Bankers' Self-Interests

    Aligning Your Bankers' Self-Interests

    Why are the toughest competitors for a commercial deal sometimes working at the same bank? And how can you align your commercial bankers so they're working toward the same goals with each customer?

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  • Cultural Change: Leveraging Behavioral Economics to Make Your Bank More Successful45:47

    Cultural Change: Leveraging Behavioral Economics to Make Your Bank More Successful

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  • Bank Culture: Recruit and Hire a Highly Engaged, World Class Team47:53

    Bank Culture: Recruit and Hire a Highly Engaged, World Class Team

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  • Commercial Banks: Set Your Strategy, Target Your Customers, Then Execute

    Commercial Banks: Set Your Strategy, Target Your Customers, Then Execute

    Jim Young chats with Jeff Marsico, EVP at The Kafafian Group and writer of the blog, Jeff for Banks, on the importance of defining who your customers are and building a strategy to target them.

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  • Laggards Lose in Today's Banking Landscape

    Laggards Lose in Today's Banking Landscape

    Jim Young and Dallas Wells chat about the risk of not taking risks in today's financial industry and why you need to be at the forefront of the changing environment.

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  • Using Service Design to Wow and Win Customers

    Using Service Design to Wow and Win Customers

    Tom Stewart and Patricia O'Connell, authors of Woo, Wow, and Win, share the concept behind service design and how you can use it to better your customer relationships.

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  • Group Brainstorms At Your Bank? Bad Idea.

    Group Brainstorms At Your Bank? Bad Idea.

    Jim and Dallas discuss why brainstorms are ineffective and sometimes detrimental to your team. You'll learn how to have more productive meetings in this podcast.

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  • Training vs. Coaching Your Relationship Managers

    Training vs. Coaching Your Relationship Managers

    Carl Coe, EVP of Client Development at PrecisionLender, talks about the difference between training and coaching your sales team, and which method provides the most value.

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  • Banks at the Purpose Crossroads

    Banks at the Purpose Crossroads

    Lisa McLeod and Carl Ryden address the choice banks face regarding purpose and culture, as well as how those choices could affect your bank.

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  • Should You Price Loans with a Pencil or a Space Pen?

    Should You Price Loans with a Pencil or a Space Pen?

    Does your bank approach pricing with a pencil or space pen? Learn why simple is sometimes better and what the most innovative banks are doing to stay ahead of the game when it comes to pricing loans.

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  • Get Great RMs, Keep Great RMs

    Get Great RMs, Keep Great RMs

    Your relationship managers' success directly impacts your bank's success. Jim and Dallas discuss how to attract and retain top RM talent at your bank and create a culture that helps them thrive.

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